(907) 519-0048 hooked@mightykenai.com

Kenai River Fish Counts

Kenai River Fish Counts are done by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to assist with in-river management of escapement goals. A summary from the ADFG Kenai River Fish Counts website is below:

Description: The DIDSON (sonar) is used to estimate passage of late-run sockeye salmon at river mile 19 of the Kenai River. The department manages Kenai River late-run sockeye salmon to achieve a sustainable escapement goal (SEG), and also follows inriver management targets established by the Alaska Board of Fisheries. The primary inseason management target for late-run Kenai River sockeye salmon is the inriver goal. These inriver goals vary year to year depending on the estimated run size in the Kenai River.

Inriver Escapement Goal for Sockeye in 2020: 1,000,000 – 1,200,000 (Graphed above)
Sustainable Escapement Goal for Sockeye: 750,000 – 1,300,000

On August 7, 2020, 26,737 Kenai River late-run Sockeye Salmon were counted. The cumulative total for Kenai River late-run Sockeye Salmon escapement for the 2020 fishing season is 941,180.

Kenai River Fish Counts
Click on the image above to view the Alaska Department of Fish and Game Fish Counts page for complete data on the Kenai River Fish Counts for late-run sockeye salmon 2020.

Kenai River at Cooper Landing Current Flow

As of 08/08 17:00 UTC, The Kenai River at Cooper Landing is at 10.26ft and flowing at 5,740 cfs.

Kenai River Flow Data
Click on the image above to view complete hydrologic data for the Kenai RIver at Cooper Landing from the National Weather Service.

Cooper Landing Current Conditions and Forecast

Cooper Landing Weather
Click on the image above for the detailed current conditions and forecast for Cooper Landing Alaska from the National Weather Service.

Kenai River Fishing Report

Click HERE for the Northern Kenai fishing report and emergency orders from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Want to hear the Kenai River Float-n-Fish fishing report? Give us a call and we can tell you exactly what is going on!